Tuesday, December 30, 2008

thoughts on the White Van Thing...

[Note: the first comment here is what started this post, as my friend raised a very good point. Let's explore that, shall we?]

If you've been reading about Tommy Williams and the rest of us un[fortunately]-dead teenagers, you've no doubt been hearing a lot about white vans. They turn up where there are differently biotic teenagers, they've been rolling down the streets ever since kids started coming back to life, and they've raised quite a fuss among people who are sensitive to DB issues. It seems that everyone and their mother has a different theory of who they are: a government program built to protect DBs, a government program established to destroy DBs, normal white vans that have nothing to do with DBs, mysterious people who serve some purpose we aren't yet aware of... it goes on and on.

I've been wondering if it isn't simply paranoia. Think about it--once something is mentioned, you notice it that much more. Tommy Williams mentioned white vans, and all of a sudden they're everywhere. I'm not saying it's not real ("it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you," and so on) but maybe we're taking it a bit too far. The thought that it's paranoia is more my optimism than anything else. A lot of people who aren't prone to paranoid thoughts have been talking about the vans. Part of me just doesn't want to think that someone out there is bent on destroying us, which is the most common explanation out there.

And then Brittany raises another point--can we go crazy? Our hearts have stopped, yes, but does that mean we can't develop little mental glitches? It's an interesting question, one that I have no response for at all. It's left me somewhat bewildered.

Let us know what you think--click the comment button and fire away.

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