Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas and other updates

Well, another Christmas has come and gone, and I think this was probably the best holiday ever... read on to find out why.

Dad and I woke up pretty early so that we could help Jack open his presents. The two of them ate cinnamon rolls, a family tradition that I don't miss (I am, or was, allergic to the icing--we found that out the hard way once!), while we all exchanged presents. From Daddy (and Santa--it's imperative that we keep up appearances for Jack), I got an amazing silver charm bracelet and a few books, as well as what seems to be just about half of an entirely new wardrobe with six outfits that can all be changed up nicely. It's weird--he knows what a teenage girl likes more than my mother ever did!

Jack got a lot of little toys, some toy cars and stuff, and tons of Legos. Of course, he mainly builds walls with them. Or lines them up. But if he's happy, we're happy. And he's very happy.

Later, all of us crazy teenage kids went to what is probably the only place in town open on Christmas--the vegan café down the road from my house. We had previously chosen Secret Santa gifts and exchanged those--Mike was my Santa. He said "If it were anyone else I would have gotten a bag of candy," but since I'm me, he went ahead and got a sheet music book, for which I'm very grateful.

Aiden moved here after the Santas were chosen, so he paid for Soy Peppermint-Chocolate-Mocha Twist Milkshakes for everyone. I'm told they taste a lot like the ones at Starbucks. And he also gave me my gift, which shocked and astounded (no jokes here either!). It was a glass replica of a violin. I don't know where he found it, and I don't care, it's just amazing. And when we all went ice skating on the pond, he held my hand. Best gift of all.

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