Friday, January 30, 2009

oops, I'm 18!

While I was away being busy with school, a power outage, friends, and other really awesome stuff, I forgot to blog on here to let you know that my birthday passed and I am now 18 [sort of]!

I'm going to say I'm 18, I'm going to answer that that is my age if anyone asks, and I'm not going to bring up the fact that I died at 16. Um, whatever. So, anyway, I'm a legal adult now! I can do whatever I want [not really, because of the zombie thing]! I can smoke [but I don't want to]! I can go to an "adult store" [double don't want to]! I am an adult and...

Yeah. Well. Nothing's really changed. =D


ImThe'Laugh'In'Slaughter' said...

Very cool. I have a few years before I'm eighteen, myself. But, I get my permit soon. Yes, in Vegas they make you wait until your fifteen and a half. Yes, the intelligent SOB's only give us six months to practice. Where as kids in Iowa get their permit at fourteen. All the retarded kids in Vegas need all the practice they can get. So what happeneds? They get less.

Anonymous said...

Hey. I am in love with your blog. You write amazingly. OMG I.. its.. I am speechless. You haven't posted anything in a while... like 5 months. But I REALLY hope you keep writing. This blog is as good as Tommy's! IF not better! Oh by the way:
1. I have a blog too;
2. I am a zombie too.
3. I beg you to keep writing!

Lily Benan said...